Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Quick Trip to NYC

Alright so I can not contain my excitement anymore!  Tomorrow morning at 7:20 am I am meeting my parents at the airport so we can board our flight to La Guardia. The reason for the midweek trip you ask?  I AM GOING WEDDING DRESS SHOPPING IN NYC!  I have a 2 PM appointment at the Vera Wang store on Madison Avenue and I don't think I have ever been so excited.  I mean I was literally dancing around the apartment last night, and I am pretty sure David and Pizza think I am partially insane.  I have had the appointment for over a month, but with all the focus I have had on my friends wedding events, I haven't really built up the anticipation.  That all changed when I packed last night!  We are just going for a night, but I am really looking forward to the quality time with my parents.  Since my dad is also my boss it is nice to travel with him as his daughter.  The only thing that would make this trip perfect would be if my sister could come, but I know as a new mom who just returned to her job she can't get away.  However, she better be ready for constant pictures to be arriving on her phone.

So in honor of my big day tomorrow here are a few amazing gowns I would love to walk down the aisle in... I left out my absolute favorites because if David happens to read this no way I want him to see them! 

All pictures were taken from the Vera Wang website

On another note, it is also the moment of truth.  If you have been reading my blog since the beginning you may remember this post.  In all the movies when someone is wedding dress shopping they serve champagne.  When I went with my sister this was not the case.  So tomorrow we will see how Vera Wang holds up!  I will be back with a recap of my trip and if I don't post tomorrow have a great day!