Friday, September 7, 2012

and a Sixpence in Her Shoe

Honestly, who knew there was a fifth line to this rhyme.  At first I was like well I will just do the four "somethings," but as I started to research the true meaning behind each one, I felt I couldn't just leave out the final line to the poem. 

I think the reason many American girls have never heard of this sixpence ritual is because is probably more of an English tradition.  A sixpence is a coin that was minted in Britain from 1551 to 1967.  It was made of silver and worth six pennies.  A sixpence is placed in the bride's left shoe to represent wealth and financial security.  Although this may be an English custom, who is to say American brides can't follow this as well?  Who doesn't wish for wealth and financial security as they start a new marriage? 

Even though you may not have an actual sixpence, you could always use a dime or a penny to complete the tradition. If you want the real deal and want to use an authentic sixpence, you can find them at Silver Sixpence.
I hope the history of the poem "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a sixpence in her shoe" has taught you a few things you didn't already know.   I will be back next week on a recap of the beautiful wedding I attended this past Sunday.  Later today David and I are meeting with my Mom and the wedding planner to pick out some Save the Dates!
Have a great weekend and don't forget to VOTE for Spencer :)