Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Kate's Bachelorette Party!

Now that I have had a moment to upload pictures I am ready to share with you some pics from the epic weekend we had celebrating Kate's bachelorette party.  I already had such a love for Austin, but after this weekend I miss it that much more.  It was the perfect destination because the culture is vibrant, the drinks are cheap and getting into bars is free!

Although every student kept congratulating her on turning 21, I am pretty sure Kate wouldn't change a thing, not even the weather.  Even though it poured on and off all weekend running home holding our heels and getting drenched makes for the best memories possible.  Kate and I met after college so this was so special to meet and bond with all the girls she has been talking about for the past three years.  Let me tell you, they were even better than she had said they would be.  Everyone was so fun, happy and just excited to share this weekend with their best friend, Kate.

We weren't going to let the rain ruin our weekend.

We walked into this adorable lingerie store, Teddies for Betties, and not only did they give us all champagne, they also gave her a gift which included a free pair of Cosabella underwear!  If you are planning a trip to Austin you must stop in there!

The best candy store in the world is on South Congress in Austin.  Trust me. 

We spent well over an hour in the Kendra Scott store. 

I bought such fun stuff:
You can get these via

Get something similar via
They came in so many colors via

We went to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants in Austin, Trudy's.  This is their famous stuffed avocado mmm mmm mmmmm.
I would like to point out I wore my shorts backwards all night.  I just bought them and the lady in the store told me the zipper went in front!  OMG I am so embarrassed and the pictures make me look like my sister (pregnant).  I also paid full price and could have gotten them much cheaper here.

First night out (check out the weirdos ruining our pic in back)

Kate and Brittany riding a bull

I stayed on for so long, don't worry I have all these bruises on my legs to prove it.

We took a poll dancing class in our hotel room.

Pretty bride ready for night two!

As I mentioned here, we played the underwear game and I went with these I DO Hanky Pankys.
I surprised Kate with a special Austin treat.. Tiff's Treats that is!  They are the best cookies on earth and they deliver them to you still hot from the oven.

It was such a great weekend and I cannot even wait until April 28th to watch her marry the love of her life!!


  1. Austin is one of my all time favorite cities! Looks like you gals had a blast ;)

  2. so fun!! i had my bachelorette in austin this past weekend!! so fun! we went to el arroyo, malaga, speakeasy... would have been too fun to bump into you! xo

  3. Hi there, your blog is so cool and different, I like that :) I am a new follower.Would you like to follow me back?

  4. i really like your blog, with all the beautiful pictures.

  5. I LOVE that you celebrated with us! It looks like you had a fabulous time!! Thanks SO much for stopping by, and congratulations to Kate!


  6. Looks like you friends had a great fun in this bachelorette party. I like that candy store, bull ride and outfit of all ladies.

  7. Who did you get for the private dance lesson?

  8. Hi! Great pics! Mind sharing some of the info of the other places you went, or vendors you used? For instance, the bull riding bar, pole dance in hotel room, etc. I'm also planning a bachelorette party in Austin and would love any recommendations. Thanks!

  9. Sounds like a fun time. Last night’s bachelorette party I attended at one of five star party venues in Los Angeles was awesome. The party had a great theme and it was organized flawlessly. I completely enjoyed the whole night.

  10. Great photos! This bachelorette party looks amazing!

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